New Residents / Moving Here

Did you just buy a home in Plympton-Wyoming or are thinking of moving here? Welcome! Be sure to follow the Town's Facebook page to stay up to-date on all things happening within our community. 

The Town of Plympton-Wyoming provides residents services and amenities including (but not limited to):


Services and amenities offered by other companies / organizations include (but are not limited to):


Other information for new residents:

Payment Options for Water, Sewer, and Taxes

Taxes are billed twice a year with the first due-date of May 31st (interim taxes) and the second due-date of October 31st.

Our water / sewer billing cycles are 60 days long with due dates being February 15th, April 15th, June 15th, August 15th, October 15th and December 15th


There are a number of payment options for you to pay your property taxes and water / sewer bills:

Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) Plan
The Town of Plympton-Wyoming has two types of Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) plans to choose from for taxes:
  1. Monthly PAP Plan (automatically withdraws your annual taxes in equal monthly installments on the last day of each month from your bank account)
  2. Installment PAP Plan (automatically withdraws installment amount due from your bank account on the regular installment due date)

Water / sewer payments are automatically withdrawn on the due-date. 

View our Pre-Authorized Tax Payment Application for more information.

Telephone Banking
Please contact your financial institution for information about telephone banking.
Online Banking

Visit the website of your banking institution to make payments online.

Your tax account number is your tax roll number excluding the 3835 and including the ending 0000. For example, if the property's roll number is 3835.340.123.4567.0000 then your account number for online banking is 34012345670000.

Your water account number can be located in the top right-hand corner of your water and sewer bill.

Payment In-person
Make a payment in person at the Municipal Office located at:

546 Niagara Street, Wyoming, Ontario, N0N 1T0

Hours of Operation:

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (excluding designated holidays)

The Town of Plympton-Wyoming accepts payments by cash, cheque, money order, or Interac (debit card). 

A drop-off box is available for your convenience at the Municipal Office to accept non-cash payments after regular operation hours (please include payment stub or account number so the payment can be applied to the correct account).

Payment by Interac (debit card) is only available during office hours.

Payments by Post Mail
Follow these steps to submit payments by mail:
  1. Attach your payment stub (perforation at the bottom of the bill) and make your cheque payable to "Town of Plympton-Wyoming"
  2. Write your roll number or water/sewer account number on the front of your cheque
  3. Allow sufficient time for the payment to reach our office on or before the due date in order to avoid penalty charges
We consider payments complete on the date the Finance Department receives your cheque.
Installing Fencing on your Property

Please refer to the Town's Zoning By-law fencing provisions [sections 3.3.4 f) & 3.16.4 a)-f)].  Before you begin installing a fence, please do the the following:

  • Contact Ontario One Call to locate utility lines on your property.
  • Locate the survey bars at the corners of your property to determine your exact property lines. If you are having trouble locating the bars, trying using a metal detector or you can contact a private surveying company. The Town does not keep individual property records on file and cannot provide support in locating exact property lines.
  • Consult with adjacent property owners as a courtesy, notifying them you will be constructing a fence.
  • Review the Zoning provisions that relate to fencing to ensure what you are proposing conforms to the Zoning By-law. Contact the Planning Department for any additional information, or call the Town office at 519-845-3939.


Building permits are not required to install a fence, unless the fence is required for a swimming pool. Please contact Building Services at the County of Lambton for information on pool fences.


If your property is a corner lot, you are required to maintain a sight triangle. This is to ensure your fence will not impede sight lines at an intersection, to help keep both motorists and pedestrians safe. Please see the diagram below or contact our Planning Department for additional information relating to sight triangles.

Garbage Collection / Schedule

Garbage and recycling services are provided by Marcotte Disposal Inc.

Garbage and recycling are collected every week on the days mapped out here. A list of bulk items that are accepted and not accepted can be found here.

In the Village of Wyoming, recycling is on Wednesday and garbage is on Thursday. All other areas have garbage and recycling pick-up on the same day.

Holidays will not change the pick-up schedule, except for Christmas Day and New Years Day. 


There are several internet providers that serve Plympton-Wyoming, including (but not limited to):


Still have questions? If you have questions or require additional information, contact us at 519-845-3939 or send us an email