My Property

Are you a property owner in the Town of Plympton-Wyoming? This page provides you with information related to your property, including regulations and by-laws. 

 Installing Fencing on your Property

Please refer to the Town's Zoning By-law fencing provisions [sections 3.3.4 f) & 3.16.4 a)-f)].  Before you begin installing a fence, please do the the following:

  • Contact Ontario One Call to locate utility lines on your property.
  • Locate the survey bars at the corners of your property to determine your exact property lines. If you are having trouble locating the bars, trying using a metal detector or you can contact a private surveying company. The Town does not keep individual property records on file and cannot provide support in locating exact property lines.
  • Fences are not permitted within, above or over any easements, right-of-ways, boulevards, street allowances or lanes.
  • Consult with adjacent property owners as a courtesy, notifying them you will be constructing a fence.
  • Review the Zoning provisions that relate to fencing to ensure what you are proposing conforms to the Zoning By-law. The maximum permitted height is 8.2ft (2.5m) provided the fence is not located within a sight triangle. The maximum permitted height within 13.1ft (4.0m) of the Front Lot Line is 3.6ft (1.1m). Contact the Planning Department for any additional information, or call the Town office at 519-845-3939.


Building permits are not required to install a fence, unless the fence is required for a swimming pool. Please contact Building Services at the County of Lambton for information on pool fences.


If your property is a corner lot, you are required to maintain a sight triangle. This is to ensure your fence will not impede sight lines at an intersection, to help keep both motorists and pedestrians safe. Please see the diagram below or contact our Planning Department for additional information relating to sight triangles.

Digging on your Property

Remember to call before you dig! Contact Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255 to request a locate before you do any digging on your property. 

Home Renovation or Construction

Are you planning renovations or construction on your property? Learn about:


Learn about property taxes that apply to property owners in the Town of Plympton-Wyoming. 

Trees and Yards 

The Town of Plympton-Wyoming's Public Works department is responsible for maintaining all municipal trees, including:
  • Boulevard trees
  • Trees at the sides of roads
  • Trees in Town parks
  • Trees at Town facilities

Property owners must ensure the condition of their own yard meets the regulations of the Property Standards By-law and the Cleaning and Clearing of Land By-law.


Trees on Property Boundaries

If a neighbour’s plants or trees are hanging over your property line or are falling into your yard, it’s considered a civil matter between you and your neighbour. The Town will not investigate. 


Replacing Trees

If a tree on your boulevard is dead or diseased, contact our office and staff will inspect the tree to determine if it should be removed.

Emerald Ash Borer

The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an invasive pest that attacks and kills ash trees in North America. EAB has spread throughout the Town of Plympton-Wyoming.

We recommend removing heavily infested trees (when more than a third of the crown has died off) for safety reasons and to prevent EAB from spreading.

Contact the County of Lambton for more information regarding the Woodlands Conservation By-law. 

Conservation, Tree Planning and Woodlots

Contact the St. Clair Region Conservation Authority for more information regarding conservation, tree planting and woodlot services.

 LDD Moths

LDD moth outbreaks in Ontario are cyclical, occurring every five to ten years. Severe outbreaks can devastate more than 400 species of plants. For more information on what you can do, please see our newsletter.  

The Town of Plympton-Wyoming will be conducting a spray program in various areas of the municipality. Please see the attached notice for more information.