Emergency preparedness starts at home. Disasters often seem unlikely to happen in your community, however, in any community, a natural or human-caused disaster may occur, requiring a large scale, coordinated response. Police, fire, public health, social services, public works, emergency medical services and municipal officials may need to work together to prepare and respond to the incident and protect the public.
Preparing for an emergency
Prepare for emergencies before they happen, you'll be better able to respond when the unexpected happens. Prepare for your own safety and the safety of your family. Begin by learning about the potential risks and hazards in your community and then make sure everyone in your family knows what to do before, during and after disaster strikes.
Prepare to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours during an emergency. This not only helps you and your family, but it also helps the community's response teams as they work to respond to emergency situations. Having a home safety action plan and home fire escape plan in place can help keep you and your family safe in the event of an emergency.
During an emergency
Here are some important tips to keep in mind during an emergency:
Tune into a local radio station and listen for information and instructions from emergency officials. (Local radio stations service the Lambton County area include 1070 AM CHOK, 103.9 FM CHOK, 99.9 FOX FM and K106.3 FM)
Do as emergency officials advise and stay away from the disaster scene.
Be prepared to relocate if you are advised to do so and follow all instructions carefully.
Visit a news media, municipal or other official website (i.e. Ontario 211) for information and instructions.
Do not call 9-1-1 unless you or someone else needs emergency police, fire, or medical assistance. Do not call 9-1-1 looking for information.
Do not use your telephone (either land-line or cellular) unless it is absolutely necessary (i.e. you are calling for assistance or checking on the welfare of someone who might be in trouble). If telephone networks are overwhelmed, emergency responders and others in need of assistance might not be able to communicate with one another.
Keep your 72-Hour Emergency Supplies Kit handy when you have to take shelter (i.e. during a Tornado Warning).
72-hours emergency supplies kit
One of the best ways you can prepare for emergencies is to have enough supplies at home to feed and take care of you and your family for at least three days. This is called a 72-Hour Emergency Supplies Kit.
To prepare for an emergency, assemble a kit and store the items in an easy-to-carry container such as a duffel bag or plastic storage bin. Store your kit in an accessible location such as a closet shelf on the main floor.
Your Emergency Supplies Kit should have enough food, water and basic needs that will keep your household self-sufficient for at least three days, including:
Special needs items for any member of your household (i.e. baby formula, diapers, prescription medication etc.)
Whistle (in case you need to attract someone's attention)
Playing cards or games
Toilet paper and other personal care supplies
Extra car and house keys
Extra cash (change for vending machines etc.)
Copies of important family documents (birth certificates, passports and licences)
Copies of essential documents should also be kept in a safe location outside your home, in a safe deposit box or the home of a friend or family member who lives out of town.
Your 72-Hour Emergency Supplies Kit could prove to be very useful if electricity is lost or weather keeps you from leaving your home. Bring your kit if you are advised to evacuate, so include any other items you think you might need. Being organized and having essential and comfort items with you will lessen the stress of evacuating.
Emergencies and your pets
Past emergencies such as Hurricane Katrina have shown that families with pets need to plan how they will take care of them during a crisis. If time and safety permit, take your pet with you! Pets should not be left behind during an evacuation because they could be lost, injured or even killed as a result of the emergency.
If it is absolutely not possible to take your pet when you evacuate, follow these guidelines:
Post a highly visible sign in a window to let rescue workers know how many pets were left behind.
Leave plenty of water in a large, open container which cannot be tipped over.
Leave dry food in timed feeders to prevent your pet from eating a week's worth of food in one day (check local pet stores).
Emergency supply kits for pets
Prepare an emergency kit for your pet(s) to keep them comfortable for at least seven days. This kit should be stored in an easy to carry duffle bag or container next to your own emergency kit and should include:
Food and water for seven days (an average-sized dog needs about four litres of water per day and cats, one litre)
Bowls, paper towel and a manual can opener
Small toy or chew toys
Sturdy leash and harness (Note: harnesses are recommended for safety and security as pets may act unpredictably when stressed)
Scoopable litter or a week's worth of cage liner
Long leash and yard stake
Litter/pan and plastic bags
Carrier for transport
Medications and medical records (including vaccination records)
Current photo of your pet (in case your pet gets lost)
Pre-written information on feeding schedules, special needs or medical or behavioural problems
Up-to-date ID tag with your phone number and the name/phone number of your veterinarian
Copy of licence (as required, depending on the pet)
Muzzle (remember, pets may act out of character when stressed or frightened)
Emergency supply requirements vary for different kinds of pets. Contact your veterinarian to learn about care of your pet during an emergency.
Pet behaviour during a crisis
Animals can become anxious during emergencies. If possible, keep your pet in a carrying cage with a familiar blanket and toy, so your pet feels as secure as possible. Do not leave your pet alone, with strangers or off a leash at any time. During an emergency, your pet might panic, behave in a distressed manner, run away, or because of their distressed state, they may even bite or attack someone.
Remember, during an emergency, you are still responsible for your own pet!
Appoint a caregiver
You may not be home when an emergency happens, or an evacuation advisory is issued. Prepare now and ask a trusted neighbour to evacuate your pet if necessary. This person should know and be comfortable with your pet, have a key to your home and know where your pet's emergency kit is located.
Temporary caregivers
When choosing a temporarycaregiver, consider someone who lives close by. They should typically be home during the day while you're at work, or have easy access to your home. This could work well with neighbours who have pets of their own. You may even agree to look after each other's pets, depending on when an emergency occurs.
Permanent caregivers
When selecting a permanent caregiver, you'll need to consider other things as this is a person to whom you are entrusting the care of your pet should something happen to you. When selecting this foster parent, consider someone who knows your pet and has cared for animals in the past.