Animal Control Services

2025 Dog Tags are now available! Apply online to get a new dog license or renew an existing dog license.

Animal Control services in Plympton-Wyoming help keep our community and our pets safe.

Loose dog

If you find a dog running at large:

-during business hours please call By-law Enforcement at 519-845-5420 

-after hours please call 519-312-1322 or the OPP

or you can submit information to the Town's By-law Enforcement staff through the Cloudpermit Portal.

Immediate danger

If you feel you're in immediate danger from a dangerous dog at large, call 911 for help. 


We do not respond to nuisance wildlife calls. For these complaints, please call your local wildlife control services.

Responsibilities of pet owners

The Dog Licensing By-law 129 of 2024 provides information on dog owners responsibilities.

The Exotic Animal By-law 8 of 2020 provides prohibitions and regulations on many 'exotic' animals.

The municipality does not have a cat regulation by-law. However, cat owners are responsible just as dog owners are to keep their cat on their property, using a leash or harness if necessary.

Loving your pet isn’t enough. You also need to protect your pet, and be a good neighbour by being a responsible pet owner.

A few tips to get started:

Spay or neuter your pet: Fixing your pet not only prevents unwanted litters, but it can also help your pet live a longer and healthier life.

Be a good neighbour: When walking your dog or allowing your cat outside please remember to clean up after them. No one likes to step in someone else’s mess.  Make sure you address any excessive barking through dog training, socializing, exercising and family interaction. Ensure your dog does not bite, injure, chase, threaten, or disturb anyone.  Keep an eye on your cat and make sure they are not spending time in your neighbours gardens or harming local wildlife.

Socialize and train your pet: Young animals require exposure to many different situations to grow up well-adjusted and friendly. But training doesn’t stop with puppies. Think an old dog can’t learn new tricks? Think again! Training your pet to follow basic commands will not only make them a better housemate, but could also save their life in a dangerous situation like running into a busy street.

Remember that any dog can bite: Even the friendliest dog can bite if they are frightened or backed into a corner. Research shows that 77 percent of dog bites come from a family or friend’s dog.

Keep walks safe: Dogs must remain on a leash unless they are on their own property, or in a designated off-leash area. This not only protects your pet from dangers like cars, but it also shows respect for others who may fear or dislike dogs. Remember, even if your dog is friendly not every other dog is, so keeping them safe often means keeping them close.

Be aware of weather: While you may want your pet to be with you, during warm weather the safest place for them may be at home. The temperature inside a car can reach dangerous levels quickly, even when the weather seems mild. Cold weather can also be dangerous. Ensure that your pet is provided with proper shelter and fresh water during all times that they are outside during cold weather.

Report a complaint

You may report a complaint online or call 519-845-3939.

Dog Licensing By-law

The Dog Licensing By-law 129 of 2024 includes regulations for keeping dogs, dangerous dogs, kennels and licensing. Violations can result in a Provincial Offences fine or summons to court.

You can have up to three dogs per house in a residential area.

License fees

Your dog must have a license. The fee schedule (as indicated below) is set in accordance with our Comprehensive Fees By-law:


Description of Charge

Fee Amount

Plus HST


Kennel License




Dog Tag(s)




     -First Dog




     -Second Dog




     -Third Dog




     -First Dog – NOT neutered or Spayed 




     -Second Dog - NOT Neutered or            Spayed 




     -Third Dog- NOT Neutered or Spayed




Dangerous Dog Licence 




Guide Dog & Service Dog Licence 

No Charge 



Replacement Dog Tag




Transfer Tag




Redemption Fee (Impoundment)



Apply online to get a new dog license or renew an existing dog license.


You can establish a kennel within an approved area set out in the Town of Plympton-Wyoming Zoning By-law. Visit the Zoning page on our website to view a copy of the Zoning By-law.

Persistent barking, calling, or whining 

As per our dog licensing by-law, no person shall permit persistent barking, calling, whining or other noise making by a dog that is clearly audible at another dwelling in the municipality. "Persistent barking" Means barking that occurs for an extended period of time or on a repeated basis. The barking dog's owner can be charged a $300 fine.

You may report a complaint online.

Leash law

If your dog is off your property, it must be on a leash and led by a competent person. Allowing your dog to run at large is prohibited and you can be charged a $300 fine.

If you come across a dog running at large, please contact the Sarnia Humane Society at 519-344-7064.

Dangerous dogs

If you feel threatened by a dog running at large, call 911 immediately for help.


“Dangerous Dog” means any dog:

  • that has bitten or injured a human being or domestic animal; or
  • that has been threatening or aggressive towards a human being or domestic animal, including but not limited to behaviour such as growling or snarling. 


If you are the owner of a dangerous dog, you must follow strict guidelines set out in the Dog Licensing By-law, including:

  • License such dog with the municipality as a dangerous dog in accordance with the requirements of this by-law;

  • Ensure that such dog is spayed or neutered;

  • Ensure that such dog has an up-to-date anti-rabies vaccine;

  • Display a sign at each entrance to the property and building in which the dog is kept, warning that there is a dangerous dog on the property. This sign shall be visible and legible from the nearest road or thoroughfare;

  • Maintain a policy of liability insurance in the amount of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000.00), covering the twelve-month period during which licensing is sought


When a dangerous dog is off its owner’s property, the owner shall:

  • Ensure the dog is muzzled in a humane manner at all times;
  • Ensure the dog is on a leash not longer than one metre;
  • Ensure the dog is under the control of a person over the age of eighteen.


When a dangerous dog is on its owner’s property, the owner shall ensure that the dog is securely confined in a locked pen area that provides adequate shelter and meets the following standards:

  • The pen shall be suitable to prevent the escape of the dangerous dog and capable of preventing the entry of any person not in control of the dog;
  • The pen must have minimum dimensions of two metres by four metres and must have secure sides and a secure top;
  • The pen shall provide protection from the elements for the dog;
  • The pen shall not be within three metres of the property line or within three metres of a neighbouring dwelling unit. 


Please see the 'Dog Licensing By-law' tab above for more information on fines relating to dangerous dogs.