Speak Before Council
Members of the public are invited to submit correspondence or appear before Council concerning a matter of interest or an agenda item.
Any correspondence addressed to Council is placed on the appropriate public agenda, which is posted on the Town's website. Any personal information you choose to disclose in your letter will become part of the public record and your name will be published on the Town's website; however, your contact information will be removed prior to posting.
Correspondence addressed to an individual Member of Council is not placed on an agenda.
To correspond with Council, submit written correspondence to the Clerk by email ekwarciak@plympton-wyoming.ca. Please include your name and contact information, including a telephone number where you can be reached.
If you wish to appear as a delegation and speak before Council, submit a written request to the Clerk by 4:00 p.m. on the Tuesday the week before the Council meeting. Delegates will have a maximum of 15 minutes to speak before Council. If you wish to make an electronic presentation, you must provide it to the Clerk no later than 4:00 p.m. on the Thursday before the Council meeting. A projector will be available in the Council Chambers.
What will happen with my correspondence? |
The Clerk will determine on which Council agenda your correspondence will appear, or if it will be referred directly to staff. You will be notified as to how your correspondence will be handled and of any decision made by Council. |
I am registered as a delegation, what do I do when I arrive at the meeting? |
You are requested to arrive 10 minutes before the start time of the meeting. There may be several delegations registered to speak at the same meeting. The Chair will announce your name and ask you to step forward to begin your presentation. |
How do I address the Council members? |
During a Council meeting the Mayor is the Chair of the meeting. You can address him as Mayor Atkinson, Mr. Mayor or Your Worship. When addressing Council, regardless of where the question came from, you should always address your comments to the Chair. |
How long may I speak? |
You may speak up to 15 minutes. |
What happens after I speak? |
After you have addressed Council, the Chair of the meeting will ask the Council members if they have any questions for you. Once you have answered all the questions, please return to your seat or exit the Council Chambers. You will be notified in writing of any decision taken concerning your issue. |